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Restaurant Insurance Coverages

By April 4, 2022February 22nd, 2023Insurance

Running a restaurant is a rewarding experience, but it can also be a risky one. There are many potential hazards that come with operating a food service establishment, from property damage to employee injuries to liability claims. That’s why it’s important for restaurant owners to have the right insurance coverage to protect their business. Here are some of the types of insurance that every restaurant owner should consider:


  1. Property Insurance: 
Property insurance protects your restaurant’s physical assets, including the building, equipment, and inventory. This coverage can help you replace or repair damaged or stolen property, and can even cover losses from natural disasters like fires or floods.
  2. Liability Insurance: 
Liability insurance protects your restaurant in case of claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by your business. This type of insurance can help cover medical expenses, legal fees, and other costs associated with a liability claim.
  3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: 
Workers’ compensation insurance is required by law in most states, and it provides coverage for employees who are injured or become ill on the job. This type of insurance can help cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs associated with a work-related injury or illness.
  4. Business Interruption Insurance: 
Business interruption insurance provides coverage for lost income and extra expenses in the event that your restaurant is forced to close due to unforeseen circumstances like a natural disaster or equipment breakdown.
  5. Food Spoilage Insurance: 
Food spoilage insurance provides coverage for losses resulting from the spoilage of perishable food items due to power outages, equipment malfunctions, or other unexpected events.
  6. Liquor Liability Insurance: 
If your restaurant serves alcohol, you may be held liable for injuries or damages caused by intoxicated patrons. Liquor liability insurance can help protect your restaurant in case of a lawsuit related to alcohol-related incidents.


In conclusion, running a restaurant requires careful planning and attention to detail, and having the right insurance coverage is an important part of that. From property and liability insurance to workers’ compensation and business interruption insurance, there are many types of coverage that restaurant owners should consider to protect their business. Contact an experienced insurance agent to discuss your specific needs and to find the right coverage for your restaurant.